Mandela Materials search options

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Advanced Search Option

Search across a combination of specific fields, according to a terms you enter. Select a field from the drop-down list, and enter a term, or terms, in the space provided. Choose whether to search across all media types or limit to a specific media type. Then click on the GO button.

  • Collection Name: Enter the name of a collection if you know it, or part of a collection name.
  • Location: Enter the name of an institution, to see a listing of relevant materials e.g. National Archives of South Africa.
  • City: Enter the name of a city, to see a listing of relevant materials there e.g. Cape Town.
  • Continent: Enter the name of a continent to see a listing of relevant materials e.g. North America.
  • Description: Search the description field by entering keywords or phrases e.g. Defiance Campaign.
  • Creator: If you know the name of a creator of a body of materials, enter the name of the creator e.g. Ruth First.
  • Themes: Significant periods in Mr. Mandela’s life e.g. Presidency.